
Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 06-08-2020

This Privacy Policy, together with the Terms of service posted on our Website, set forth the general rules and policies governing your use of our Website. Depending on your activities when visiting our Website, you may be required to agree to additional terms of service.

  1. Website Visitors

Like most website operators, molangshowbiz.com collects non-personally-identifying information of the sort that web browsers and servers typically make available, such as the browser type, language preference, referring site, and the date and time of each visitor request. molangshowbiz.com’s purpose in collecting non-personally identifying information is to better understand how molangshowbiz.com’s visitors use its website. From time to time, molangshowbiz.com may release non-personally-identifying information in the aggregate, e.g., by publishing a report on trends in the usage of its website.

molangshowbiz.com also collects potentially personally-identifying information like Internet Protocol (IP) addresses for logged in users and for users leaving comments on http://molangshowbiz.com blog posts. molangshowbiz.com only discloses logged in user and commenter IP addresses under the same circumstances that it uses and discloses personally-identifying information as described below.

  1. Personally-Identifying Information

Certain visitors to molangshowbiz.com’s websites choose to interact with molangshowbiz.com in ways that require molangshowbiz.com to gather personally-identifying information. The amount and type of information that molangshowbiz.com gathers depends on the nature of the interaction. For example, we ask visitors who leave a comment at http://molangshowbiz.com to provide a username and email address.

  1. Security

The security of your Personal Information is important to us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

  1. Advertisements

Ads appearing on our website may be delivered to users by advertising partners, who may set cookies. These cookies allow the ad server to recognize your computer each time they send you an online advertisement to compile information about you or others who use your computer. This information allows ad networks to, among other things, deliver targeted advertisements that they believe will be of most interest to you. This Privacy Policy covers the use of cookies by molangshowbiz.com and does not cover the use of cookies by any advertisers.

  1. Links To External Sites

Our Service may contain links to external sites that are not operated by us. If you click on a third party link, you will be directed to that third party’s site. We strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy and terms of service of every site you visit.

We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third party sites, products or services.

  1. molangshowbiz.com uses Google AdWords for remarketing

molangshowbiz.com uses the remarketing services to advertise on third party websites (including Google) to previous visitors to our site. It could mean that we advertise to previous visitors who haven’t completed a task on our site, for example using the contact form to make an enquiry. This could be in the form of an advertisement on the Google search results page, or a site in the Google Display Network. Third-party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on someone’s past visits. Of course, any data collected will be used in accordance with our own privacy policy and Google’s privacy policy.

You can set preferences for how Google advertises to you using the Google Ad Preferences page, and if you want to you can opt out of interest-based advertising entirely by cookie settings or permanently using a browser plugin.

  1. Aggregated Statistics

molangshowbiz.com may collect statistics about the behavior of visitors to its website. molangshowbiz.com may display this information publicly or provide it to others. However, molangshowbiz.com does not disclose your personally-identifying information.

  1. Cookies

To enrich and perfect your online experience, molangshowbiz.com uses “Cookies”, similar technologies and services provided by others to display personalized content, appropriate advertising and store your preferences on your computer.

A cookie is a string of information that a website stores on a visitor’s computer, and that the visitor’s browser provides to the website each time the visitor returns. molangshowbiz.com uses cookies to help molangshowbiz.com identify and track visitors, their usage of http://molangshowbiz.com, and their website access preferences. molangshowbiz.com visitors who do not wish to have cookies placed on their computers should set their browsers to refuse cookies before using molangshowbiz.com’s websites, with the drawback that certain features of molangshowbiz.com’s websites may not function properly without the aid of cookies.

By continuing to navigate our website without changing your cookie settings, you hereby acknowledge and agree to molangshowbiz.com’s use of cookies.

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